#This is the resource bundle for the sap.ui.commons library #__ldi.translation.uuid=4705b4f0-fe50-11e0-be50-0800200c9a66 #XTOL: accessibility tooltip shown for the logo icon in an application header (banner) - independent from icon APPHDR_LOGO_TOOLTIP=Logo #XBUT: logoff button in an application header control APPHDR_LOGOFF=Log Off #XFLD: a welcome label when there is no user name displayed (application header control) APPHDR_WELCOME=Welcome #XFLD: a welcome label before a user name (application header control) APPHDR_WELCOME_USER=Welcome #XCAP: title of a message details dialog MSGBAR_DETAILS_DIALOG_TITLE=Message Details #XBUT: button to close a message detail dialog MSGBAR_DETAILS_DIALOG_CLOSE=OK #XBUT: MessageBox Testpage MSGBOX_OK=OK #XBUT MSGBOX_CANCEL=Cancel #XBUT MSGBOX_YES=Yes #XBUT MSGBOX_NO=No #XBUT MSGBOX_ABORT=Abort #XBUT MSGBOX_RETRY=Retry #XBUT MSGBOX_IGNORE=Ignore #XBUT MSGBOX_CLOSE=Close #XTOL: accessibility tooltip for the "information" icon in a message box MSGBOX_ICON_INFORMATION=Information #XTOL: accessibility tooltip for a "warning" icon in a message box MSGBOX_ICON_WARNING=Warning #XTOL: accessibility tooltip for a "warning" icon in a message box MSGBOX_ICON_ERROR=Error #XTOL: accessibility tooltip for a "critical condition" icon in a message box MSGBOX_ICON_CRITICAL=Critical #XTOL: accessibility tooltip for a "success" icon in a message box MSGBOX_ICON_SUCCESS=Successful #XTOL: accessibility tooltip for a "question mark" icon in a message box MSGBOX_ICON_QUESTION=Question #XLNK: hyperlink within a message in the message list that opens the details dialog MSGLIST_DETAILS=Details #XCAP: caption shown in a toast (notification popup) when there are multiple messages MSGTOAST_MULTI_MSGS=Multiple new messages... #MSGTYPE_ERROR=Error #MSGTYPE_SUCCESS=Success #MSGTYPE_WARNING=Warning #XTOL: Tooltip of overflow button of the MenuBar control MNUBAR_OVRFLW=MenuBar Overflow #XTOL: Default tooltip of the Roadmap control RDMP_DEFAULT_TOOLTIP=Roadmap #XTOL: Default tooltip of step of the Roadmap control RDMP_DEFAULT_STEP_TOOLTIP=Step {0} #XACT: ARIA keyboard announcement for expandable steps in the Roadmap control ({0} is the label text given by the application) RDMP_ARIA_EXPANDABLE_STEP={0} To open or close, press SPACEBAR #XACT: ARIA keyboard announcement for standard steps in the Roadmap control ({0} is the label text given by the application) RDMP_ARIA_STANDARD_STEP={0} To select or deselect, press SPACEBAR #XACT: ARIA announcement which is attached to an Autocomplete text field when the suggestion list is open. AUTOCOMPLETE_ARIA_SUGGEST=Suggestion list open. To select an item, use the arrow keys. #XACT: ARIA keyboard announcement for button selection in SegmentedButton SEGMENTEDBUTTON_ARIA_SELECT=To select, press SPACEBAR #XACT: ARIA description of the RatingIndicator control RATING_ARIA_NAME=Rating #XACT: ARIA description of current selected value of the RatingIndicator control RATING_ARIA_VALUE=Value {0} #XTOL: Tooltip of current selected value vs. max. possible value of the RatingIndicator control RATING_TOOLTIP={0} out of {1} #XBUT: Text of the search button of the SearchField control SEARCHFIELD_BUTTONTEXT=Search #XBUT: Tooltip of the clear button of the SearchField control SEARCHFIELD_CLEAR_TOOLTIP=Clear #XLST: Text which appears in an empty suggestion list of the SearchField control SEARCHFIELD_NO_ITEMS=No suggestions available #XTOL: Tooltip when hovering over close button DIALOG_CLOSE_TEXT=Close #XACT: ARIA description on how to close the dialog DIALOG_CLOSE_HELP=To close dialog, press ESC #XTOL: DatePicker TestPage DATEPICKER_CLOSE_TEXT=Done #XTOL DATEPICKER_PREV_TEXT=Previous #XTOL DATEPICKER_NEXT_TEXT=Next #XTOL DATEPICKER_CURRENT_TEXT=Today #XACT: Aria information for the Date Picker DATEPICKER_DATE_TYPE=Date #XTOL: Tooltip of Collapse/Expand Icon of the Panel control (collapsed state) PANEL_EXPAND=Expand #XTOL: Tooltip of Collapse/Expand Icon of the Panel control (expanded state) PANEL_COLLAPSE=Collapse #XACT: Aria description for Panel header PANEL_HEAD_ACC=To collapse or expand the panel, press SPACEBAR #XTOL TAB_CLOSE_TEXT=Close Tab #XTOL: Tooltip of the Toolbar overflow button TOOLBAR_OVERFLOW=Toolbar Overflow #XACT: Aria information for the Paginator PAGINATOR=Paginator #XTOL: Paginator tooltip for navigating one page back BACK=Back #XTOL: Paginator tooltip for navigating one page forward FORWARD=Forward #XTOL: Paginator tooltip for jump to first page FIRST_PAGE=First Page #XTOL: Paginator tooltip for jump to last page LAST_PAGE=Last Page #XTOL: Paginator next page tooltip NEXT_PAGE=Next Page #XTOL: Paginator previous page tooltip PREVIOUS_PAGE=Previous Page #XTOL: Paginator current page tooltip, indicating the page nuber as well as the fact that this page is selected PAGINATOR_CURRENT_PAGE=Page {0} selected #XTOL: Paginator page link tooltip PAGINATOR_OTHER_PAGE=Page {0} #XMSG: Row Repeater content text when no controls are rendered NO_DATA=No data #XCAP: Row Repeater text for the show more button SHOW_MORE=Show More #XFLD: Row Repeater sort by information SORT_BY=Sort By #XTOL: Tree - tooltip for the collapse all control TREE_COLLAPSE_ALL=Collapse All #XTOL: Tree - tooltip for the expand all control TREE_EXPAND_ALL=Expand All #XLST: DropdownBox - Search help list item DDBX_SHI=Search Help #XACT: DropdownBox - Shortcut to search the help DDBX_SHIF4=F4 #XACT: DropdownBox - Text to combine with the shortcut from DDBX_SHIF4 DDBX_SHI_ARIA=Open search help using {0} #XACT: Callout - Aria name of a callout CALLOUT_ARIA_NAME=Callout #XBUT: File Uploader - browse button text FILEUPLOAD_BROWSE=Browse... #XACT: Accordion - Aria Description Text ACCORDION_DSC=To expand or collapse, press SPACEBAR #XTOL CAROUSEL_SHOW_PREV=Previous #XTOL CAROUSEL_SHOW_NEXT=Next #XTOL CAROUSEL_ACTION_MODE=To toggle action mode, press ENTER or F2 #XTOL CAROUSEL_NAV=To navigate through the carousel, use the ARROW keys #XACT: ImageMap - Aria Description Text IMAGEMAP_DSC=To navigate through the image map, use the ARROW keys #XTOL: SPLITTER_MOVE=Hold SHIFT and press ARROW keys to move #XTOL: ValueHelpField - Tooltip for the value help field icon VHF_TOOLTIP=Open search help using F4 ############# #Translatable Control Types and States for ACC ############# #XACT: type of an UI control is an input field ACC_CTR_TYPE_INPUT=Input #XACT: type of an UI control is a date input field ACC_CTR_TYPE_DATEINPUT=Date Input #XACT: type of an UI control is a rating indicator ACC_CTR_TYPE_RATING=Rating #XACT: type of an UI control is a button ACC_CTR_TYPE_BUTTON=Button #XACT: type of an UI control is a link ACC_CTR_TYPE_LINK=Link #XACT: type of an UI control is an image ACC_CTR_TYPE_IMAGE=Image #XACT: type of an UI control is a checkbox ACC_CTR_TYPE_CHECKBOX=Checkbox #XACT: type of of an UI control is a progess indicator ACC_CTR_TYPE_PROGRESS=Progress #XACT: type of an UI control is a combobox ACC_CTR_TYPE_COMBO=Combo Box #XACT: "pressed" state of e.g. a togglebutton which should be announced by screenreaders ACC_CTR_STATE_PRESSED=Pressed #XACT: "checked" state of e.g. a checkbox which should be announced by screenreaders ACC_CTR_STATE_CHECKED=Checked #XACT: state (current and max. value) of a rating indicator which should be announced by screenreaders ACC_CTR_STATE_RATING={0} out of {1} #XACT: progress state of a progress indicator which should be announced by screenreaders ACC_CTR_STATE_PROGRESS={0} % #------------- #UNKNOWN TEXTS #------------- #NOTR ADVANCED=Advanced #NOTR IN=in\: #NOTR SEARCH=Search #NOTR SEARCH_FOR=Search for\: